3 March 2014

On the top 4 show our special guest was Sediq Shubab who was invited from overseas. This night each contestant made two performances “one selected by the judges and the next by themselves”.Arash Barez was the first contestant with the famous song “Marg e Man” from Great Ahmad Zahir, he obtained 40 marks from the four judges plus some positive comments from Sediq Shubab. The second contestant was Dawood Pazhman who sang the traditional song “Bo ye Jo ye Molian” and he obtained 39 marks plus two positive and two negative comments from judges and Sediq Shubab.



The third one was Rabiullah Behzad and he had prepared himself to sing “Ay Del Marraw” from Waheed Qasemi. He obtained 39 marks plus some positive comments from the special guest. Nayeb Nayab was fourth with the song “Gul e Soori” from Farhad Darya and he also obtained 39 marks plus two positive comments from the judges.For the second round of performances this night, Nayeb Nayab performed “Waqti ke Raftam” from Nasrat Parsa and he received positive comments from Qasem Rameshgar. Rabiullah Behzad sang “Gardesh e Chashm e Siah” from Farhad Darya and he got a negative comment from Tahir Shubab.



Dawood Pazhman’s second performance was “Beshnaw az Nai” from Waheed Qasemi and he received negative comments from Wali Fateh Ali. Arash Barez sang “Ishq e Atashin” from Jalil Zaland and he received positive comments from the judges.
On a last competitive song “Sargam Type” the stars competed singing the notes of musical compositions to win the Golden Star reward of the week that resulted keeping the reward for next week since finally there were two equally marked contestants at the end.